Hybrid Generation
Hybrid Generation
Hybrid Generation
The solution that combines two power generation systems – floating solar and hydroelectric – increases energy efficiency by up to 17% and reduces evaporation by up to 70% in the shaded area.
And this innovation already exists in Brazil.
Sunlution, in partnership with the São Francisco River Hydroelectric Company (Chesf), from the Eletrobrás Group, implemented a Research & Development project for floating photovoltaic panels in an area of 10 thousand square meters at the Sobradinho Hydroelectric Plant, in the interior of Bahia. Today, the project is already in operation and is responsible for generating 1 MWp.
The expansion to the entire Chesf system, using only 10% of the water surface of the 12 hydroelectric plants existing today, would be enough to install 52 GW of floating solar energy. This potential is equivalent to the construction of four new hydroelectric plants in a period of 10 years.